Cuomo On Kavanaugh

As a member of the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh would deliver a devastating blow to American values. Kavanaugh is an extreme conservative with a clear partisan record. He would put our rights and democratic priorities in jeopardy, including the Affordable Care Act, protections for the environment, organized labor, LGBTQ rights and the protections of Roe v. Wade.

Kavanaugh opined that the nation’s chief executive should be exempt from ‘time-consuming and distracting’ lawsuits and investigations, which ‘would ill serve the public interest, especially in times of financial or national security crisis.’

“In New York, we are taking action to defend our progressive values, including fighting to codify the protections of Roe. v. Wade into State law, taking action to protect labor unions, advancing LGBTQ rights, and enacting the nation’s strongest environmental policy. 

“We in New York will not stand by as President Trump attempts to use the Supreme Court as the political arm of the presidency to advance his extreme conservative agenda of division. 

“The progress of this nation will not be rolled back without a fight. I urge New Yorkers to make their voices heard and call on the Senate not to confirm Kavanaugh. 

“And no matter what happens in Washington, I promise you this: I will fight like hell to do everything in my power to protect the rights of the people of the State of New York.”


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