Enemies Everywhere!

McMurray attacks Poloncarz because the trains stop at Exchange Street and not at the Central Terminal.

There was a vote in 2017, and the decision was made to do just that. Poloncarz voted against it.

McMurray did, indeed, prompt this “elderly blogger” out of semi-retirement. It was things like this that prompted it. I don’t remember Nate calling me “elderly” when I gave him free promotion over and over again during his campaigns, but I am just a thing – a piece of shit – just one of McMurray’s many burned bridges.

When I ceased to be useful to him, he lumped me in with all of the other people whom he blames for his failures. He thought he could bully me and repeatedly call me names – even after I politely asked him not to – and he figured that I would be ok with that. I found him to be little more than a manipulative, gaslighting POS. FWIW, I still have the receipts.

I don’t think he’s viable so much as I think he’s unfit to be anywhere near elected office.

Remember early 2021 how you were going to have someone primary Higgins – was it Eddie Egriu? You were going to start a PAC. You were going to write a book – you know, that thing you just slammed Poloncarz for doing? I guess the difference is that Poloncarz’s book was about an accomplishment while yours would have been about failure.

But consider this,

What McMurray would like to change, if he can, is what he sees as conservative media’s wholesale demonization of Democrats.

“You hear people talking about Democrats in a way that sounds like they’re talking about Satan-worshippers,” he said. “I think we have to start to think on every level, the local level and the national level: How are we going to overcome this?”

Pot, kettle.

But what really sucks is that McMurray feeds his own poison to people. For instance, every Presidential election both parties enjoy a little burst of interest and activity from people who had formerly been on the sidelines. Do you think it helps or hurts Democratic recruitment to have a prominent but salty ex-candidate going around telling anyone who will listen how awful and corrupt it is?

When it comes to kneecapping Democrats, who needs Republicans?

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Kansas Reflector is part of States Newsroom, a nonprofit news network supported by grants and a coalition of donors as a 501c(3) public charity. Kansas Reflector maintains editorial independence. Contact Editor Sherman Smith for questions: info@kansasreflector.com. Follow Kansas Reflector on Facebook and X.

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