West Seneca Town Board has Critical Lack of Transparency

After speaking with voters and attending last night’s Town Board meeting, it’s clear the current Board is lacking one of the most critical aspects of local government: transparency.
First, the Board manufactured a crisis with the pool, threatening demolition using costs which were later proven incorrect by the Board itself. It’s taken over a year of public outrage for the Board to even consider reversing course.
Second, the Board proposes spending $600,000 to renovate the Community Center and Library, all with with no public hearings. Town residents spoke loudly and clearly in 2018: they do not want to spend more money on the Library.
Third, the Board entered Executive Session to approve an agreement to purchase the Gemcor building for $4.5 million.
And once again, no public hearing was held and no public comments were received.
The Board is anticipating $1-3 million worth of work. No draft plans have been presented to the public – because there are not any. If we are spending $4.5 million, shouldn’t we have a plan?
West Seneca residents remember all too well how quickly project plans change and costs rise. We’ve seen it before and we are still paying the costs. In 2019, the Supervisor campaigned against expensive projects with changing plans; now, he proposes the same, with no guarantees the Gemcor renovations won’t exceed $3 million. For a Supervisor and Board that preach “fiscal responsibility,” this is anything but.
As Supervisor, I will bring the transparency to Town Hall that residents deserve and expect. I will reinstate Work Sessions and once again allow the public to hear directly from department heads about what local government is doing, why, and what it will cost.
We can make a real change in West Seneca government on November 7, but only by working together.

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