WNY National Champions to Compete Internationally

In 2018, with their children grown, Mary and Mike Kehl were finally able to realize their longtime dream of competing in the world of professional tractor pulling. According to Mike, the experience has been a journey of twists-and-turns that they did not always anticipate, but which ultimately has led the husband/wife team to regional titles, national awards, and now, an invitation to compete on a world stage.

“When Mary and I started talking about entering tractor pulling, our ideal was full-sized tractor competitions,” Mike said. “Then we experienced our first mini rod event in Ohio, and we were hooked. We worked with family and friends to build our own mini rod, naming it, “Spending Their Inheritance,” our humorous nod to the costs involved with competing on the professional circuit. Our original plan was that I would do the driving, but that job quickly switched to Mary since her slight build allowed us to add more weight to the front of the tractor—a definite plus in this sport.”

“Then there was the fact that tractor pulling competitions in our size group in WNY were non-existent, so we had to travel extensively to compete. Add-in our inexperience in this division and Mary’s rookie driver status, and we were definitely learning on-the-go. Yet all those challenges are what made our success extra special when we won the National Tractor Pulling Title for mini rods in 2022, and now being invited to represent America at the World Power Weekend in Made, Netherlands, Europe’s Biggest Pulling Event.”

The Made’s Power Weekend Pulling Event will take place June 14-16 with more than 600 competitors taking part in over 60 classes on three tracks.The Kehl’s will ship their mini rod from Buffalo in mid-May alongside a 540ci triple turbo charged, superstock pulling tractor belonging to Hans Boxler, a fellow Western New Yorker and veteran tractor puller who has also been invited to compete. Boxler notes the significance of the international event.
“In 2019, I attended the Made’s Power Pulling Weekend in the Netherlands and got to meet the organizers,” Boxler stated.
“That connection eventually led to their inviting me to bring my tractor and compete at this year’s event. They also asked for my suggestion of another American competitor who might want to attend. I gave him the Kehl’s contact information and now here we are, going together. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and an honor to be invited to such a prestigious event, especially when I will be sharing it with my neighbors, Mike, and Mary. It’s truly the thrill of my 50-years in tractor pulling.”

From now until the Netherlands competition begins, the Kehl’s are working on fine tuning their mini rod and promoting their “Spending Their Inheritance” merchandise. Mary laughingly explains that they started the line of tee shirts, sweatshirts, and hats to help cover their expenses.

Spending Their Inheritance Mini Rod Pulling Team

“Despite our mini rod’s name, we are not really spending our children’s inheritance,” Mary said. “In fact, we have some terrific sponsors—Hybrid Building Solutions, Jan-Cen Motor Sports, and Angry Duck Graphics—who definitely make it possible for us to compete professionally. However, traveling  to Europe adds additional costs. We are hoping people will be excited that we are representing the United States at this international event and support us by buying and wearing our gear. In return, we’ll do our best to bring home the first-place trophy!”
To purchase STI merchandise: https://www.shopangryduck.com/collections/spending-their-inheritance

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