Morning Joe catches himself almost dropping an F-bomb over latest gun massacre

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough stopped just short of dropping an F-bomb while discussing the latest mass shooting.

A gunman opened fire at an outlet mall Saturday in Allen, Texas, killing eight and wounding seven, and the “Morning Joe” host struggled to express his outrage over the continuing wave of violence that has claimed scores of lives in that state in recent years.

“This is happening because [Gov.] Greg Abbott does nothing,” Scarborough said. “This is happening because the state legislature does nothing and they claim that these slaughters have to continue, that little children have to continue to be slaughtered in the name of freedom. Almost like some sick, ritualistic, ancient sacrifice of children’s blood for their — I almost said a word I shouldn’t say — for their screwed up view of a radicalized, hyper hyper-individualized freedom that our founders never anticipated, that the Supreme Court of the United States has never interpreted, that the Second Amendment has never said that is the law of the land.”

RELATED: ‘It’s sick!’: Morning Joe flips out on Texas Gov. Abbott for pushing for more guns on the streets

“There are states that have banned military-style weapons,” he added. “The Supreme Court has been asked to overturn them and has said time and time again, ‘Nope, nope, that’s okay, that’s legal — what they did in Connecticut is legal, what they did in California is legal.’ That is legal, and, yet, states like Texas allow the slaughters to continue. Greg Abbott keeps trying to change the subject when, again, I’m going to keep saying it, 90 percent of Americans want universal background checks, 80 percent of Americans want red flag laws. The majority of Americans want AR-15s banned. These people are radically, radically out of step with the rest of America, and, yet, as you say, they let the slaughters in Uvalde, Texas, Sutherland Springs, Texas, Santa Fe, Midland, Texas, Dallas, Texas, continue, continue, continue.”

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