Unclaimed Funds

Nearly 11,000 individuals and companies have forgotten more than $1.77 million in checks 

Nearly 11,000 individuals and companies in New York state have forgotten more than $1.77 million in checks issued by Univera Healthcare and its parent company. This money is in the form of unclaimed checks issued in 2015 to health plan members and health care providers.Notifications were mailed to all individuals advising that there are unclaimed funds for them. A complete list of names of people and companies with checks to claim is available on the health insurer’s website at www.UniveraHealthcare.Com/UnclaimedFunds

Every year, New York state requires insurers such as Univera Healthcare to make a list of unclaimed checks that are at least three years old. The names are then placed in legal notices in local newspapers papers to find the people who have money to claim. If the property is not claimed by August 2019, the money is turned over to the Comptroller of the State of New York.

“This is money that was paid for claims or refunded premiums,” said Art Wingerter, Univera Healthcare president. “It rightfully belongs to our members or providers and we want to make sure they have one more chance to claim it.”

Checks may not have been cashed for several reasons. The member may have moved and not left a forwarding address, a member may have died, or the member simply forgot about the money.

To claim a check prior to August 1, 2019

  1. Go to www.UniveraHealthcare.Com/UnclaimedFunds to search for your name and address
  2. If you are listed on the site, download and complete the form available on the page
  3. If you have moved to a new address or if you are calling on behalf of the estate of a family member, and do not have internet access, call Univera Healthcare: 1-800-499-1275


The post Unclaimed Funds appeared first on Buffalo Healthy Living Magazine.

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