Governor Will Sign Green Light Bill Into Law

Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Monday night signed legislation granting driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants — just hours after the controversial measure passed the state Senate.


“The Solicitor General was asked to review bill number A3675-B/S1747-B to ensure that undocumented individuals who apply for driver’s licenses or identification cards would not be unintentionally exposed to a Federal government seeking to use their information for deportation. In response, the Attorney General stated that she believes there are “safeguards” in the bill, and it can be defended; in other words, it cannot be weaponized to be used against undocumented individuals. The Solicitor General, a former federal prosecutor and former Acting U.S. Solicitor General, who presumably knows whether or not the relevant information can be safeguarded, has remained unresponsive on this critical issue. With that said, based on the Attorney General’s representation, the Governor will sign the bill. 

“Governor Cuomo has supported this policy for over a decade. The key to this bill is not the political intent but the legal effect. We hope the Attorney General’s assessment is correct for the safety of the thousands of undocumented individuals who are relying on her legal opinion.”


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