5 Things About NY-27 Candidate Beth Parlato That Should Scare the Hell Out of You

NY-27 has a new wingnut in the race against Rep. Chris Collins and she’s none other former Darien Town Justice and ‘family attorney’ Beth Parlato.

Parlato is a regular contributor on Fox News who holds leadership roles in Moms for America, founded to “counter radical feminism,” and Concerned Women for America, which fights the wars on “feminists, anti-God and anti-family rhetoric.”

According to Parlato, there’s a pretty much ‘a war’ on everything with the exception of the ‘War on Women”, which according to her… “isn’t really a thing”.

Here are 5 ‘wars’ Parlato is fighting in her mind that should scare the living crap out of you:

War on Families

She thinks single parents, gay couples and transgender people are destroying the moral fabric of America and doesn’t understand the basic concept of sex vs. gender… It’s a little too complicated to get into here… Just google ‘they-babies’

War on Education

Parlato thinks the education system is failing your kids and it’s all ‘the left’s’ fault. According to Parlato, ‘the left’ is indoctrinating your children with a ‘progressive agenda’ and her solution to that is school choice. What she doesn’t tell you is she already uses her options of school choice. She sends her kids to private catholic school.

War On Trump

A 2017 appearance on Fox and Friends brought out this little gem:

“Basically because it’s a way for them to undermine President Trump’s presidency,” one of the moms, Beth Parlato, explained serenely. (Parlato is also an attorney focusing on family law.) “They want to infer that he shouldn’t have won and he’s not their president. So they want to keep their story going. And personally I think the left needs to stop their whining. We all know that cybersecurity is an issue. It’s a fact that the DNC was hacked by Russia. so why doesn’t the left get onboard with President Trump and his administration and let’s work on —it’s a nonpartisan issue, the national security.”

“Let me just ask: are any of you concerned that President Trump, his campaign colluded with Russia to get elected?” the host asked.

“No,” they all responded in unison.

Parlato doesn’t think Russia helped President Trump get elected. That right there makes her unfit to serve in the U.S. Congress…

War on Halloween…


Have you ever told your kid she can’t dress like Moana for Halloween?  Yeah… Didn’t think so.

War on Women… ‘Not a Thing’

According to Parlato, the ‘war on women’ is just something Hillary Clinton made up to get elected and that the decade’s long fight for pay equity, workplace discrimination, reproductive rights and violence against woman isn’t really a thing people should be worried about.

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