Facebook users have been bombarded with misleading ads about medication meant to prevent the transmission of HIV, according to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender advocates, who say the tech giant’s refusal to remove the content has created a public-health crisis.

The ads have been viewed millions of times in recent months, Facebook’s archive reveals, and LGBT organizations argue they’ve had a dire effect: They’ve scared patients, potentially those who may be most at risk of contracting HIV, out of taking preventative drugs, known as PrEP, even though health officials and federal regulators have said they are safe.


Governor Andrew Cuomo issued the following statement in regards to the misleading advertisements:

“I am deeply troubled by reports of deceptive advertisements on Facebook questioning the safety and effectiveness of the HIV-prevention drug Truvada. The ads are unwarranted and unacceptable, and Facebook should remove them immediately.
“Health officials and federal regulators have been clear that Truvada — or PrEP — is safe and effective. Despite this fact, fear-mongering attorneys who lack medical credentials are pushing these deceptive ads and scaring individuals into thinking this life-saving drug is causing them harm. This ad campaign is putting New Yorkers in danger and jeopardizing the great strides our state has made in helping end the AIDS epidemic.

“Just last week in recognition of World AIDS Day, we announced the estimated number of new HIV infections and newly confirmed HIV diagnoses have fallen to all-time lows – this progress is due in part to the increased use of PrEP. In October, New York was the first state in the nation to host a statewide PrEP Awareness Week, and in 2018 about 32,000 New Yorkers were provided a prescription for PrEP – more than any other state in the nation.

“Anticipating the concern and confusion this type of false advertising would have on users of Truvada, in October I directed the Department of Health to issue a letter reassuring healthcare providers that this medication is safe and effective. 

“I urge New Yorkers to listen to their health care providers and not be swayed by these disturbing and misleading advertisements, which have no place in New York and must be taken down immediately.”

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Rep. Andy Ogles (R-TN) introduced articles of impeachment against Vice President Kamala Harris on Tuesday, following a House GOP caucus meeting in which members frantically strategized over how to stop momentum for Harris' newly kicked-off presidential campaign.

The impeachment articles proclaim that Harris has committed high crimes and misdemeanors through "incompetence" in her role as "border czar" (a position she has never actually had) and then proceed to cite several anecdotes of women killed by unauthorized migrants, as well as the fact that over 50 million fentanyl pills were seized by DEA in 2022 (even though seizures indicate the law is being enforced, and even though most of it is seized during border crossings at checkpoints, often from U.S. citizens.)

Nowhere in the resolution does it list a purported act of misconduct or abuse of power by Harris — something that was noticed by commenters on social media who roundly ridiculed the measure.

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"Ogles claims in this resolution that Harris is the 'designated border czar,' a nonexistent position that Biden did not name her to," wrote immigration law expert Aaron Reichlin-Melnick, providing a link to the White House announcement on the subject. "Here is the primary source. Biden is clear that Harris agreed to lead the admin's diplomatic 'root causes' strategy only."

"These idiots need a new bag of tricks. This is so tiresome," wrote "Mrs. Betty Bowers," the satirical Christian fundamentalist persona of Canadian comedian Deven Green.

"What a stupid move," wrote the account @TisMoreorLess.

"This is great in that it shows just how panicked they are," wrote the account @SundaeDivine.

"I've never heard anything so ridiculous," wrote the account @sandiechill.

"They have nothing except their own embarrassment at this point," wrote the account @J_Pauselius.

"The Republican party is the political retribution party. They've done nothing for the American people," wrote the account @DenisonBarbs.

Ogles, who has come under fire for embellishing his political resume before being elected and has faced an ethics complaint over his campaign finances, is no stranger to pushing politically charged show bills. Last month, he vowed to introduce a "No Juicing Joe" bill that would have required President Joe Biden to disclose whenever he takes a "mind-altering stimulant."

Read excerpts of the impeachment resolution below or at the link here.

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