Final Response to a Pathetic and Desperate Erie County Comptroller

As my family and I were on the phone with doctors discussing the possible need for an end of life plan for my father who remains in critical condition in ICU with the very same virus Erie County Comptroller Stefan Mychajliw and his followers think is some hoax,  I was informed about a new and blasphemous attack on my character.

Today, the continued unethical and false allegations from an elected official while on the county taxpayer’s time clock accused me of posting a derogatory word towards African Americans.

Nothing could EVER be farther from the truth.

The post in question was an article written back in 2015 by a beloved African American community activist who hosted his own blog for a short time over the 16 years WNYmedia has been online.

See the article from 2015 

The column was about a then-candidate for city council (a democrat I might add) and other prominent white Buffalonians’ continual use of a racist term.

It was critical of the same Buffalonians who continue to support Mychajliw, to this very day. 

Chris Stevenson was a columnist for blackcommentator, and a contributor to the Hampton Institute, his own blog, and a syndicated columnist.  He hosted video commentary series called Policy & Prejudice for clbTV did regular podcast interviews Blogtalkradio interviews on 36OOseconds.

I had great respect for Chris as a person, a columnist and for his tireless work in the African American community and beyond.

Unfortunately, Chris left us too soon and passed away in 2018.  

We wish Chris was still with us today, not to respond to this twit’s baseless, ridiculous accusations, but because he was a true champion for the community.

Erie County Comptroller Stefan Mychajliw should resign immediately.  He should be forced to publicly apologize to the Stevenson family and to the entire WNY black community for his mischaracterization and villainizing of a deceased man’s legacy in order to take a few political potshots at me.
I thank everyone for their continued support for my father, my family, and for fighting back against this petty, frivolous, baseless attack by an elected official.
This will be my final response to Stefan’s cancel culture campaign. I have far more important things to focus on right now, rather than waste one more second responding to this pathetic excuse for a human I once considered a friend.
Besides…we heard Stefan may have an election coming up?


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