“Since late Wednesday, my Office has been working around the clock with both the Buffalo and Washington Field Offices of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, to pursue all leads, to gather evidence, and to bring to justice those who committed crimes at the Capitol Building in Washington, DC.

Any suggestion, direct or implied, that there is undue delay, a political purpose, or race-based reason why charges have not yet been filed against any Western New York resident is incorrect, unfounded, and frankly, offensive.

I think most people recognize the danger inherent in advocating for a criminal justice system that is more concerned with getting things done quickly than getting them done correctly.

As U.S. Attorney, I have refused—and will continue to refuse—to succumb to political pressure or to serve any factional interest.

My job is to do my best to get things right and to see to it that the law and justice are the only interests served by me and those who work so hard in this Office.”

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‘By hell, she’s impressive’: Kamala Harris gets thumbs up for energetic Wisconsin speech

Vice President Kamala Harris delivered a speech before an enthusiastic crowd in Milwaukee on Tuesday that earned plaudits from many progressive political observers — as well as relief about the contrast she delivers between herself and both President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.

Harris, who was endorsed by Biden on Sunday after he announced that he would be dropping out of the 2024 race, delivered a fiery address that touched on themes ranging from voting rights to reproductive freedoms to gun safety.

Writing on Twitter, many progressives took immediate note of the jolt of energy she had injected into the campaign.

"Elections are about all kinds of things, but I think a happy person talking about the future fits the moment better than an angry old man yelling about the past," argued Slate columnist Zachary Carter.

Watching Kamala Harris speaking in Wisconsin... By hell she’s impressive," wrote British broadcaster and media personality Carol Vorderman. "And she’s going to win … she’s energizing the young voters and has no fear of the fight."

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NYU Law professor Chris Sprigman, meanwhile, praised Harris for delivering "a smiling, warm, positive affect, combined with coherent, declarative sentences in plain English."

"The election is going to be hard-fought," he added. "But God what a relief."

"So glad Harris is going with a future-focused message against Trump," commented Pod Save America host Tommy Vietor. "That's been missing to date imo. This is a Janet Jackson election: what have you done for me lately?"

Political reporters who watched the event also took notice of the new energy delivered by Harris.

"Hard to overstate how hyped the crowd is," wrote Politico Playbook's Eugene Daniels. "Very different vibe than usual."

"The contrast between Harris's speech and the speeches we've been hearing Biden give all year was striking," wrote New York Times reporter Peter Baker. "At none of the Biden speeches I've covered lately was the case made against the other side this sharply defined and delivered nor has there been this kind of energy."

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