‘Now we have a witness’: The DOJ has the foundation for ‘additional, very serious charges’ against Trump

Appearing on MSNBC on Saturday afternoon, a former assistant U. S. attorney who helped prosecute Jan. 6 insurrectionists claimed that the DOJ got a boost from being able to speak with a close Donald Trump aide heard on tape looking at and discussing confidential documents with the former president after he left office.

Speaking with host Michael Steele, attorney Alyse Adamson claimed the audio recording of Trump and aide Susie Wiles talking and laughing about the documents is helpful, but her testimony under oath likely will lead to more serious charges against the former president.

“How much damage could she cause Trump in his defense?” host Steele asked.

“I think it’s very interesting,” she replied. “I think it means it is ongoing and again, other charges are imminent.”

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“It’s very damaging,” she added. “We heard former president Trump say that he was not really showing classified documents, it was just bravado. These were just random papers he had. But now we have a witness who is likely going to say, ‘no, that was a map.'”

“We have someone who was present that can refute Donald Trump’s claims and so, I think, that is very important because all we have right now is an audio recording,” she elaborated. “And so, yes, he is making statements that are important for his knowledge and intent that he was hanging on to classified documents, which is important for the ultimate charges in this matter. But you have a witness say, ‘yes, I actually saw classified documents’ that can lay the foundation for those additional, very serious, charges.”

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MSNBC 07 01 2023 11 34 29


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